z` A Short Course "Skorokhod Embedding and Applications in Mathematical Finance" - Centre for Financial Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Speaker: Jan Obloj  (University of Oxford)

Skorokhod embedding is one of the most interesting problems in probability and stochastic processes, and have found profound applications in topical areas such as transportation problem, optimal stopping, and robust hedging. Obloj’s course will give a rare opportunity to learn systematically about this subject. The course will be conducted at CUHK. The teaching notes can be found :

Schedule and Venues [Map]:

28th Feb (Thu):
  2.30-6.00pm : WMY_301 (Rm 301 Wu Ho Man Yuen Building), CUHK;
  4.00-4.30pm : Tea Break

1st March (Fri): 
   2.30-6.00pm : WMY_301 (Rm 301 Wu Ho Man Yuen Building), CUHK
   4.00-4.30pm : Tea Break

4th March (Mon):
   2.30pm-5.00pm : AIT_G06 (Rm G06 An Integrated Teaching Building), CUHK
   3.30-4.00pm : Tea Break

Centre for Financial Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Centre for Financial Engineering,
4th Floor, Academic Building No. 1,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
Sha Tin, Hong Kong
Tel: +852 3943 9561
Email: enquiry.cfe@cuhk.edu.hk