On behalf of Department of Statistics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, we cordially invite you to the Second CUHK Symposium on Statistics: Financial Risk Management on 22-23 December 2014 which is open to all interested parties.
Date: 22 23 December 2014 (Mon, Tue)
Time: 08:30 18:00
Venue: Lecture Theater 2, Lee Sau Kee Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
(See details at http://www.sta.cuhk.edu.hk/symposium/2014/direction.asp)
For more details please refer to attached poster and our symposiums website
Registration deadline: 26 November 2014 (Wednesday)
You may attend the Symposium as audience OR Enroll as Student Speaker and give a 15-minute talk
For enquiries, please contact us via:
Email: statistics_sym@sta.cuhk.edu.hk
Phone: (852) 3943-7932 (Ms. Wendy Tang)