z` Workshop : Quantitative Finance Day - Centre for Financial Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


On behalf of the Steering Committee of the Consortium, I would like to thank you very much for attending the Inaugural Lecture and making the event a great success. Some photos of the event can be seen in our photo gallery

Now, the next event, a workshop called “Quantitative Finance Day”, will be held on the 26th March (Saturday). This workshop will feature a one-hour talk by Steve Kou of Columbia University, as well as 11 half-hour talks by young academics from local universities as well as practitioners.

The event will provide a forum to showcase the strength of the Hong Kong researchers in the area as well as to exchange ideas among us.

Centre for Financial Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Centre for Financial Engineering,
4th Floor, Academic Building No. 1,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
Sha Tin, Hong Kong
Tel: +852 3943 9561
Email: enquiry.cfe@cuhk.edu.hk